Experienced Wills, Trusts &

Estate Attorney, Chattanooga, TN

Simple Will - $600 - $800

Contingent Trust Will  (All assets to surviving spouse, then to children in  trust) -  $750 - $1000

 Will with Credit Shelter Trust -  $1,000 - 1,250

Irrevocable Trust Agreements -  $1,000 - 1,500
Revocable Trust Agreements
    (Simple) -  $800 – 1,000
    (Credit Shelter Trust) -  $1,000 - 1,250
(Asset transfer documents billed separately)
*Financial Power of Attorney - $ 75

*Health Care Power of Attorney  - $ 75

*Living Will - $ 50

These fees also include companion documents for a spouse.
*A discount may be given for these documents when other estate planning documents are prepared. The above fees include an initial consultation with the client and document execution meeting. Additional conferences and consultations will be billed in addition to the above fees on an hourly basis. Schedule 01/01/2020.

I strive to be as "plain spoken" as possible in meeting with my clients to determine their goals, wishes and desires when dealing with all aspects of estate planning.

Please note at the bottom of the fee schedule that all fees include an initial consultation to help determine what estate planning tools you need and desire and a document signing/execution meeting. Should additional consultations be needed or desired - it will be billed at a predetermined hourly rate.

My fee structure is simple and straight forward and my clients have my personal assurance that no unnecessarily complicated agreements will ever be advocated. If you have any questions about the fees or need more information about a specific document or trust - please fill out the form below and submit to me - Jerre Mosley.

Jerre Mosley

Fee Schedule